Customer Engagement and Perception of Customer Against Offline Vs Online Experience
Customer engagement concept is proliferated in the current decade, addressing the coinciding benefits and the direction of the relationship between the customer and the brand. Online shopping trends are sharply getting good responses. This study is a try to find out the reasons for considering offline versus online and vice versa. The respondents' shift was more towards the online, i.e. considering online is better option comparative. Semantic differential scale with eleven positive perceptions towards online shopping experience such as thrilling experience, customer centricity, easy to use and time-saving. And on the opposite end, the invert constructs were used, and five pointer scale was utilised. The customers are less towards the perception of that online shopping is necessary for their needs and a cheaper option in comparison of offline shopping. But they find online shopping is easy to use and customer friendly chosen by the majority. The data was collected from 377 Indian citizens who are shopping online for their various needs. Out of these respondents, more than 51% of them are buying online with a high frequency of monthly to fortnightly or even high.