A Novel Approach for Two-Stage Cluster Head Selection Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and the deployment techniques guarantee the monitoring events in the deployment area. However most of these techniques do not meet the criteria to maximize the lifetime of the network with the deployment of minimum number of nodes to satisfy the connectivity and coverage of the network area. To ensure balanced energy consumption in heterogeneous sensor network, different algorithms are used for the deployment and clustering of sensor nodes. The cluster heads are cooperatively transmitted data to the base station. This ability of performing task is depends on the existingresidual energy of the sensornodes.The aim is to enhance the network lifetime by adjusting the energy consumption inside the zonal area. The proposed protocol is used for partition the network into the levels with incresing number cluster heads at each level enhanced network lifetime. The simulation result shows proposed protocol achieves better stability period, reduces overhead and improve the overall lifetime of the network.