VPN System Tracking through Media Access Control (Mac) Address
Virtual Private Network or commonlyknown as VPN is the way through which users gain the ability to make connection to a network by the way of order. In easy way it can be defined as a technology through which a system or its user can make connection to a network without actually showing their own Internet Protocol address. This technology advancement makes an encrypted and safe network on an unsafe and unsecured network like the World Wide Web. Initially it was coded to make connections to the users who are in remotely accessed areas to a secure institutional network and its resources. For the reason of security, data grams here move into tunnels that are secured along with authentic credentials like usernames, pins etc, which makes a unique and authentic connection to the server. VPN helps the persons who are on travel or on a geographically restricted place to get into sites accessed or download resources. VPN user is very large in the cyber world, but very few researches or studies have been performed on it. Researchers are more required because it s mainly used to do illegal activities in the cyber world. This in turn makes the job cyber security experts very difficult to track the epicenter of the criminous activities. Hackers and crackers of the world, use this technology to keep them hidden from rest of the world. The main intention behind this to keep them not detected while they perform the criminal activities. Few years back a research has been done using real life algorithms that combines similarity of access vector and usernames. This paper will focus on the study which includes the IP address exploitation along with the Machine or Mac address linked to it and so we can able to track the exact location of the system globally on the network.