Security Techniques in Healthcare Big Data Security in Cloud: A Perspective study and Analysis

  • LipsaNayak and Jayalakshmi V


Healthcare Cloud computing is one of the most significant and vital innovations of recent times. Cloud computing is an internet technology that collects a large amount of data from different organizations, individuals and communities, etc. Healthcare organizations generate huge data in various formats like, in text, numeric, pictures, and videos, which are not structured. This vast data is known as Healthcare Bigdata. Healthcare industries are moving towards cloud computing to store and manage this enormous data. Hospitals sometimes need to integrate health data for the patient, from other branches of hospitals. At this point, the cloud health system is an effective solution. Electronic health records are the best approach for maintaining patient records to improve the quality of healthcare.EHR is a digital record of patient information that includes information about insurance, immunization status, information about allergies, medication lists, previous health issues, family history, etc. Data security is a significant issue when medical data stored in cloud computing. Here we discussed some cryptographic security mechanisms to maintain privacy during the sharing and exchanging of electronic medical records.

How to Cite
LipsaNayak and Jayalakshmi V. (2020). Security Techniques in Healthcare Big Data Security in Cloud: A Perspective study and Analysis. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 8968 - 8975. Retrieved from