Types Of Astragalus And Iris in The Flora Of The Northern Slopes Of The Turkestan Ridge
This article is devoted to species of astragalus and iris in the flora of the northern slopes of the Turkestan ridge. It contains information on the biogeographic location of the Turkestan ridge and analysis of the species Astragalus and Iris in the flora of the northern slopes of the Turkestan ridge with related flora, life forms, habitats, rare and endemic species.
How to Cite
Azimova D.E, Xamroev D, Toshpo’latov O, Ibragimov I. (2020). Types Of Astragalus And Iris in The Flora Of The Northern Slopes Of The Turkestan Ridge. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 3513-3516. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/25562