The Hero Issue In The Lyrıcs

  • Fayzullaeva Obidaxon Kholbekovna, Dushaeva Gulbahor Dehqonovna


This article discusses the fact that the sonnet, which is a genre of meditative lyricism, also contains the concepts of lyrical hero and lyrical character, and it is expedient to study this issue on the example of the sonnets of the Uzbek poet Rauf Parfi. In Rauf Parfi's poetry, the experience is also described in his language. From this point of view, attention is paid to such aspects as the clarification of the poet's artistic and aesthetic position, the expression of the lyrical hero's identity through his emotions.

How to Cite
Fayzullaeva Obidaxon Kholbekovna, Dushaeva Gulbahor Dehqonovna. (2020). The Hero Issue In The Lyrıcs. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 3409-3413. Retrieved from