Pedagogıcal Psychologıcal Approaches Of Eastern Thınkers On The Formatıon Of Spırıtual And Moral Vırtues Of Prımary School Students

  • Aynazarova Asıya Jumamuratovna


This article analyzes the pedagogical and psychological views of Eastern thinkers on the formation of spiritual and moral qualities of primary school students, the role of spirituality as a bridge between generations, the past to the present and the present to the future. The article also describes in detail the ways in which the qualities of courage, bravery, justice, loyalty, humanity, kindness, which are expressed and valued in the oldest written and oral enlightenment monuments, are instilled in the hearts of young school-age students.

How to Cite
Aynazarova Asıya Jumamuratovna. (2020). Pedagogıcal Psychologıcal Approaches Of Eastern Thınkers On The Formatıon Of Spırıtual And Moral Vırtues Of Prımary School Students. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 3385-3388. Retrieved from