Heat And Energy-Economıc Analysıs For Greenhouses Of The Republıc Of Uzbekıstan

  • UBAYDILLAYEVAbdusamatNe’matullaogli , KHOLMURATOVA GuzalMuradovna UMAROV Sukhrob Rustamovich , MURADOV RustamAnvarovich DURMANOV AkmalShaimardanovich


This article discusses the physical and technological possibilities of saving thermal energy and scientifically substantiates energy efficiency from the microclimate of the solar hydroponics of a trench type, and solves the problem of reducing the energy intensity of hydroponics using enclosing structures. Taking into account the natural climatological conditions, a mathematical model of heat engineering calculations was compiled. The influence of thermal resistance on the heat loss of the enclosing structures in terms of volume and area of the cultivation building was determined.

How to Cite
UBAYDILLAYEVAbdusamatNe’matullaogli , KHOLMURATOVA GuzalMuradovna UMAROV Sukhrob Rustamovich , MURADOV RustamAnvarovich DURMANOV AkmalShaimardanovich. (2020). Heat And Energy-Economıc Analysıs For Greenhouses Of The Republıc Of Uzbekıstan. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 3285-3298. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/25468