Physıcal And Chemıcal Bases Of Autoclave Technologıes Of Sılıcate Materıals

  • R.A. Raximov, G.R. Ma'rupova , S.A. Nosirova, S.N. Sirozhiddinov, F.R. Rakhimov


Due to the fact that in our country there are huge reserves of sand dune and sandy clay, as well as carbonate-containing raw materials, it is of great scientific and practical interest to conduct research aimed at finding ways to improve the quality and increase the construction, technical and operational properties of silicate building materials based on them. A comprehensive and comprehensive review of chemical and physical features, as well as technological factors, makes it possible to control the processes of structure formation of silicate materials and to obtain products of dense and cellular structure on local raw materials.

How to Cite
R.A. Raximov, G.R. Ma’rupova , S.A. Nosirova, S.N. Sirozhiddinov, F.R. Rakhimov. (2020). Physıcal And Chemıcal Bases Of Autoclave Technologıes Of Sılıcate Materıals. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 3254 - 3260. Retrieved from