Development Of Innovatıve Entrepreneurıal Envıronment In Aıc

  • UmidaAvazovna, NAZAROVA , NodiraIlkhamovna, SAIDAKHMEDOVA , ImomnazarEgamberdievich TURSUNOV , Aziza Pirmamatovna, MAKHMUDOVA


The article examines the issues of supporting the development of an innovative development strategy in the Agro-Entrepreneurship system, provides a detailed description of the management models for developing an innovative development strategy in the framework of the growth directions of agribusiness potential. Innovation is a complex process based on interactive training on the network and trial and error processes in workshops. Small companies, such as agriculture, rely on external knowledge infrastructures for effective innovation. In small companies, the entrepreneur plays a key role in the innovation process: the entrepreneur is a professional student. Learning and innovation, as the main components of entrepreneurship, play a central role in this contribution. How do agribusinesses learn and innovate in the market-oriented high-tech agricultural sector, and what should government policies look like to support and promote innovation, avoiding the protectionism trap? The components of the strategy for the innovative development of entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector are determined. A mechanism is proposed for the interaction of innovation policy in agribusiness in developing a strategy. The management sequence of the formation of innovative policies in the agribusiness system in the form of logical and structural stages is highlighted.

How to Cite
UmidaAvazovna, NAZAROVA , NodiraIlkhamovna, SAIDAKHMEDOVA , ImomnazarEgamberdievich TURSUNOV , Aziza Pirmamatovna, MAKHMUDOVA. (2020). Development Of Innovatıve Entrepreneurıal Envıronment In Aıc. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 3135-3144. Retrieved from