The personality of Internal Stakeholders and Success of Wayang Kulit Performances
The final goal of this study can be used as empirical evidence that personality plays a major role in the success of a puppet show. The study of stakeholder personality behavior is a study of the person and group dynamic and organization context, and the natures of the organization itself. Every time people interact in the organization, many factors come to play. Stakeholder personality studies seek to understand and constructs the model of these factors. These factors will encourage the behavior of stakeholders in innovating and the results will have an impact on success. The population in this study were all performing artists such as dhalang, sinden, pangrawit, gamelan musicians. The research sample is artists in shadow puppet shows in Surakarta. Sampling in this study using purposive sampling. This research identifies personality based on five aspects, namely extraversion, ability to agree, nature of listening to conscience, emotional stability, and openness. The results showed that personality influences the success of wayang kulit performances so that artists are expected to be able to improve their internal personality through formal and informal education.