Evaluation the Importance of Base Isolated Structures on Seismic Reliability analysis

  • Kernou Nassim, Benyamina Abdelrahman


This paper presents the effect of base isolated structures on reliability analysis during an earthquake. The base isolation is an appropriate technology for earthquake resistant design of various buildings. Background of the present work is to describe the importance of base isolated in reducing seismic effects and reliability of structure. An existing reinforced concrete building is modeled with and without different base isolation systems. A proposed approach is used to calculate the reliability index for different variants. Parameters results obtained between two models (fixed base and base isolated) are compared. The feasibility of the models according to the parameters obtained during the temporal analysis is evaluated. In the reliability analysis, the properties and characteristics of base isolated and the structure are taken as random variables. The results show that the proposed method is relatively flexible and easy to handle in order to evaluate the structures reliability. The present method can evaluate a large number of existing structures in short time.

How to Cite
Kernou Nassim, Benyamina Abdelrahman. (2020). Evaluation the Importance of Base Isolated Structures on Seismic Reliability analysis . International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(06), 8225-8238. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/25269