Obedience Level of Measles Immunization Medical Officers in the Effort of Reducing the Measles Case in Jambi City
The objective of this study is to analyze the obedience of measles immunization medical officers and various factors that influence it in Jambi City. This study used mixed method with an explanatory strategy. In quantitative stage, total sampling technique was used and there were 37 measles immunization medical officers in all Health Centers in Jambi City as the samples of this study. The data was collected through questionnaires and analyzed by the chi-square test. While for qualitative stage, the purposive sampling techniques was used through interviews and analyzed descriptively to describe and explain quantitative findings, and equipped with observation sheets. The findings of this study was there was a significant relationship between facilities and supervision with the obedience level of measles immunization medical officers (p-value <0.05), and there was no significant relationship between knowledge and motivation with the obedience level of measles immunization medical officers in Jambi City (p-value> 0.05). The measles cases can be decreased if the measles immunization medical officers work with the complete and standardized facilities as well as getting intensive supervision from the superiors. The Health Center staffs are expected to give more intensive technical guidance to the measles medical officers, monitoring the vaccine management such as in the process of storage, distribution, and use of vaccines in immunization services through direct observation or medical officers record every month, as well as completing immunization facilities, such as alarm control and generators.
Keywords: Measles immunization officer, obedience level