Professional Learning Community (PLC) through Instructional Coaching Strategy by SISC+ and Its Relationship with Teacher Professional Practice
Professional Learning Community (PLC) is a school improvement process that requires a school community to work collaboratively to enhance students’ academic excellence. Under the National Education Blueprint (NEB) 2013 – 2025, one full-time position was created at the District Education Office (DEO) which is known as School Improvement Specialist Coaches (SISC+) implement PLC through instructional coaching strategy with the goal of improving the professional practice of teachers in low-performing schools. This study was conducted using a combined approach of quantitative and qualitative methods based on QUAN-qual explanatory design which aimed to determine the effectiveness of PLC instruction through instructional coaching strategy implemented by SISC+ personnel. The respondents sampled in this study consisted of 100 teachers from schools in Kuala Muda / Yan District, Kedah. The SISC+ Coaching Instruction set of questionnaires adapted from the Teacher Education Division (2011) was used in the survey and supported by the findings of interviews using focused group interview protocol. Descriptive and statistical analysis using SPSS 22.0 were used to answer the research questions about the implementation of the PLC through instructional coaching strategy in schools Bands 4, 5 and 6. Next, the professional practice of teachers was also measured using the mean and standard deviation analysis. Meanwhile, the perception of teachers towards the instructional coaching given by SISC+ were based on the mean scores obtained. Inferential statistics were used to analyse the relationship between the instructional guidance and teachers’ professional practice in the classroom using the Pearson correlation coefficient. The results showed that the implementation of PLC by SISC+ in schools Bands 4, 5 and 6 in Kuala Muda / Yan district is at a significant high level. Through the PLC activities carried out in schools, the teachers’ professional practice in teaching and learning has also improved. The survey also showed the positive perception of teachers on the implementation of SISC+ instructional coaching. These findings are supported by interviews conducted on selected respondents who gave the similar responses consistently. Furthermore, this study also found that there was a significant relationship between SISC+ instructional coaching and teachers’ professional practice in the classroom.
Keywords: Professional Learning Community (PLC), SISC+, instructional coaching, teachers’ professional practice