Voice Identification in Python Using Hidden Markov Model

  • Vmnssvkr Gupta, R. Shiva Shankar, Harika Devi Kotha, J. Raghaveni


Recognizing the speech is the process for recognizing speech of human by computer and producing output in well written sequence format. During these days applications which are based on speech recognition are receiving enormous popularity because of using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. To help physically disabled people we came up with an idea of building a voice assistant with continues interaction feature. For this, we are using speech API module here. In Our System, we have mainly three modules. One is user module, other is speech API module and the final one is system module. Using this interface, every user can interact with system to complete their works related to Google search and document preparation. Here, the main advantage is user can interact with the system continuously until he or she wants to exit.

How to Cite
Vmnssvkr Gupta, R. Shiva Shankar, Harika Devi Kotha, J. Raghaveni. (2020). Voice Identification in Python Using Hidden Markov Model. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(06), 8100-8112. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/25202