A Web-based Approach for E-filing system

  • Susanta Kumar Satpathy , Devendra Joshi*


In this paper we present an online E-filing system. In the present strategies already, world is moving on every day with new technologies to introduced and improved. This new technology for tax payers to filing their tax return through online is time convenient. The new convenient method of E-filing return through online mode which saves time, cost and also reduces our mental tension. All these reasons may convenient to work in present area of research is required.

How to Cite
Susanta Kumar Satpathy , Devendra Joshi*. (2020). A Web-based Approach for E-filing system. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(06), 8042-8049. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/25195