A Review Of The Performance Comparison Of Various Multicarrier Communications For Wireless Applications

  • Kumar P.&Dr.Usha Rani K.R.


This paper provides a brief introduction of future mobile networks for wireless applications by incorporating the various multicarrier communication schemes. Existing literature provides a detailed analysis of several multicarrier communication techniques. The study also covers the review of different techniques used in prior generation networks. A comparative analysis is presented which incorporates the objectives of the proposed study and the observations and future scope are tabulated.

How to Cite
Kumar P.&Dr.Usha Rani K.R. (2020). A Review Of The Performance Comparison Of Various Multicarrier Communications For Wireless Applications. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(12s), 2918-2930. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/25022