Force of Interaction as Intention of Maternal Behaviour in an Attempt to Decrease Maternal Mortality in Dairi District - Indonesia 2019

  • Henry Manik, Rika Subarniati Triyoga, M. Fidel G. Siregar, R. Kintoko Rochadi, Etti Sudaryati


The reduction in MMR can not only be overcome by increasing health service facilities, but also concerns the behavior of both health workers and mothers. Health behavior problems, especially maternal health behaviors, are phenomena that require support from various parties, including support from family, husband and the surrounding environment. This study focuses more on the concept of personal reference determinants of efforts to reduce MMR. This research was conducted with two approaches namely quantitative and qualitative or mixed methods. Quantitative research using cross sectional design was carried out in the research process stages 1 and stage 3. The number of samples in this study amounted to 149 people with purposive sampling, and the location of research in Sidikalang Regional Hospital. Qualitative research was carried out in stage 2 of the study by conducting 4 FGDs. The results of stage 1 research show that motivation to comply, and reference are the dominant variables that influence maternal behavioral intentions in efforts to reduce MMR. The results of the FGD that followed up on the results of phase 1 research found 11 variables related to behavioral intentions and the results of the multivariate analysis showed six influential variables namely the strength of interaction, the role of the mentor, the reinforcement symbol, the intensity of the booster, the degree of need and interpretation had values ​​(p <0.05 ), and the dominant variable affecting the reference is the interaction strength variable (p = <0.001; PR = 9.25 95% CI 2.859-29.929).It is recommended for a maximum health promotion program, it is necessary to pay attention to the proximity of the role of the mentor and the strength of interaction.

How to Cite
Henry Manik, Rika Subarniati Triyoga, M. Fidel G. Siregar, R. Kintoko Rochadi, Etti Sudaryati. (2020). Force of Interaction as Intention of Maternal Behaviour in an Attempt to Decrease Maternal Mortality in Dairi District - Indonesia 2019 . International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(04), 4590 - 4600. Retrieved from