Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Data using Machine Learning Algorithms

  • Dr. N. T. Renukadevi, Ms. S. Nandhinidevi, Dr. S. Karunakaran, Mr. R. Santhosh Kumar


Nowadays people post their reviews in social media like Twitter. Reviews of many movies, online company products or the comments related to politics can be seen in this media. In twitter, sentiment analysis, the sentiment of the text is in the form of positive or negative feedbacks about different subjects related with commercial products or subjects of general interest. In this paper, the proposed work deals with sentiment analysis of tweets about Indian consumer products using Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machine.Performance measureslike classification accuracy, Precision, F-measures and Recall are also computed using these two classifiers.

How to Cite
Dr. N. T. Renukadevi, Ms. S. Nandhinidevi, Dr. S. Karunakaran, Mr. R. Santhosh Kumar. (2020). Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Data using Machine Learning Algorithms. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(04), 4556 - 4562. Retrieved from