Implementation Of Organizational Culture In Pt Bhinneka Life Indonesia

  • Marisi Butarbutar, Novita Butarbutar, Sudung Simatupang, Musa Fernando Silaen, Acai Sudirman


This study aims to analyze employee perceptions related to the implementation of organizational culture in PT Bhinneka Life Indonesia Pematangsiantar. The study was conducted on 31 employees of PT Bhinneka Life Indonesia Pematangsiantar. The data were analyzed by qualitative analysis. The results showed that the existing organizational culture in the company has been well implemented with the highest implementation dimension in the philosophical dimension of the indicator of confidence and the category of the lowest dimension in the norm with the indicator of the behavior of fellow employees in the company.

How to Cite
Marisi Butarbutar, Novita Butarbutar, Sudung Simatupang, Musa Fernando Silaen, Acai Sudirman. (2020). Implementation Of Organizational Culture In Pt Bhinneka Life Indonesia. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(04), 4252 - 4259. Retrieved from