Car Driver Monitoring System using GSM and GPS Modules
Now-a-days, humans depend a lot on devices which are interconnected to each other for completing their day-to-day activities. As people buy more and more vehicles the accident rate is also increasing rapidly. Many people around the world lose their lives due to accidents. A lot of safety measures have to be taken in order to avoid accidents. So, in this paper we discuss about driver’s safety using three types of sensors, GSM and GPS modules. We are using Pulse rate, Alcohol and IR sensor. Pulse rate sensor is used for detecting pulse rate of driver continuously. Alcohol sensor is used to detect if the driver is drunk or not. IR sensor makes sure that the driver wore seat belt. Whenever it detects an abnormality it immediately notifies the ambulance, police and kin using GSM and GPS modules and ignition will be turned off. Arduino is used as a controller. The LCD displays with 16X2 configurations are placed in the four wheeler to display the status to the driver.