A Folk Egyptian Ceramic Technique for Obtaining an Environment Friendly Ceramic with Distinctive Surface

  • Faten Abdel Fattah Metwally Ali


  This research is concerned with the development of an Egyptian traditional folk technique for covering the surface of pottery cooking bowls - by housewives - with a glossy black glaze, where the materials used in this folk porcelain were unused in the techniques of glaze crafting applications. Popular women have obtained distinctive results using organic materials which are available at their homes. In terms of the quality of ovens: home ovens were used for traditional cooking not specialized ceramic ovens. The degree of fire: is very low when compared to the results or the craft techniques.

Glaze cooking time: is ideal when compared to the glazing time of any usual ceramic application methods. Due to the excellence of this popular technique, in terms of value, beauty as well as sustainability. This research has studied, analyzed and submitted experimental proposals to exploit this dazzling legacy to obtain distinctive, authentic and sustainable ceramic surface.

How to Cite
Metwally Ali, F. A. F. (2019). A Folk Egyptian Ceramic Technique for Obtaining an Environment Friendly Ceramic with Distinctive Surface. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(18), 455 - 461. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/2466