E-Commerce Product Rating Based On The Review WrittenBy The Customer By Using Naive Based Algorithmand Sentiment Analysis

  • *B. Prabhanjan Yadav,.Ch. Shiva sai prasad,.Kanegonda RaviChythanya


In the present situation each item we are for the most part buying from E-business site, for example, Amazon, Flipkart. For a specific item looked by the interested client by breaking down the audit whether he can buy the item or not relying upon the surveys total given i.e. appraising of the item. In current days, individuals will in general check audits and sentiments on an item before purchasing. The principle objective of our framework is as indicated by the popular assessment of an item, give a rating to the item on a size of 0 to 10. Additionally, we are plotting this rating for better comprehension of how every property of an item remains against time. The information is pre - handled and afterward sifted for unessential characters. The information is then grouped dependent on various characteristics of item. After that utilizing the Naïve Bayes classifier we do a notion examination of the information to figure the extremity. This extremity is then changed over to a size of 0 to 10 (where 5 is normal) and subsequently the rating of an individual item is gotten. This extremity for every item for each trait is plotted in a chart where hub x-axis to time and pivot y-axis to extremity..

How to Cite
*B. Prabhanjan Yadav,.Ch. Shiva sai prasad,.Kanegonda RaviChythanya. (2020). E-Commerce Product Rating Based On The Review WrittenBy The Customer By Using Naive Based Algorithmand Sentiment Analysis. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 8020-8029. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/24621