“Development of scıentıfıc and methodologıcal foundatıons for teachıng the syntax of russıan scıentıfıc technıcal speech of students - bachelors ın the context of new ınformatıon and communıcatıon technologıes”

  • Umarova Nigora Zainitdinovna, Tsagaraeva Olga Batyrbekovna, Isyanova, Irina Azizovna, Giyasova Nigora Nazhmetdinovna


In this article describes the survey of vital approaches and strategies of instructing outside dialects, connected within the academic hone of Russia and Uzbekistan. Their commitment to the alter of instructive worldview is decided and the portrayal of their particular highlights is displayed. The creators substantiate the need of having modern household and outside strategies of instructing remote dialects, taking into thought their advantages

How to Cite
Umarova Nigora Zainitdinovna, Tsagaraeva Olga Batyrbekovna, Isyanova, Irina Azizovna, Giyasova Nigora Nazhmetdinovna. (2020). “Development of scıentıfıc and methodologıcal foundatıons for teachıng the syntax of russıan scıentıfıc technıcal speech of students - bachelors ın the context of new ınformatıon and communıcatıon technologıes”. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 7927-7930. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/24609