Internet Of The Things For Villages: A Significant Stage Towards Nation Building
The world has now become global village due to digital revolution. Small Cities are transforming to metro cities and people in the urban area are observing growth in living standards due to the advanced technologies. Still some regions of rural area are distant from benefits of the new trends. Even at some locations it is essential to provide the basic facilities. Especially after the globalization it is now compulsion to facilate every region of the country with equal mechanism. Hence the term smart city has been developed. The meaning of the phrase ‘Smart village’ is very simple. In the age of digitization, no any part of the country should be isolated. The facilitieslike education, Healthcare and transportation should be easily available within the area of the village with some minimum quality standards. For the transformation from ’village’ to ‘smart village recent technologies are required. This paper discusses how the latest technologies with its subsequent systems can be used to convert the village in to the smart village. Without technology there is no meaning of human life. Various techniques are tabled here to make rural life peaceful, wealthy and sustainable. And also proposes some solutions on the problem of rural area.[1].