Improving Lifespan of Wireless Sensor Networks Using Fuzzy Logic Clustering and Network Coding (FL-NC) Techniques
WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) comprises of battery-operated sensor nodes with restricted energy resources, with sensing, communication and computation capabilities. Most of the WSNs operates in remote area where human monitoring and accessing are not feasible, for that reason the lifetime enhancement of Wireless Sensor Networks has always been a vital problem in research field. Energy Efficient clustering routing algorithm has been extensively used in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) due to the scalability and high energy efficiency so as to minimize energy consumption and to improve network lifetime. Most of the proposed clustering based routing algorithms overstrain with the selection of cluster head at the time of cluster formation. In this paper, used a fuzzy logic approach with five fuzzy variables (density, location suitability, residual energy, distance from the base station and compacting) to decide the chance of each node to become a cluster head in each round. We also used XOR encoding and decoding mechanism to reduce the end to end delay in packet transferring and thereby enhancing energy efficiency. Used bitwise XOR operation to combine packets before sending to next hop and decode the same packets in the receiving end. Proposed routing protocol has been implemented and simulated in NS2. The simulation results shows that FL-NC-EE protocol outperforms in terms of average lifetime, energy consumption and throughput of the network when compared to other protocols like FL-EEC, FL-[1]/D, K-Means-LEACH and LEACH protocols.