An Empirical Study on Consumer Awareness on Digital Footprints

  • Swetha. M. S et al.


Data is the heart of any new technology, when it comes to online marketing platform, its contribution is incredible. With technology up-gradation, there is an intensive data exploitation and manipulation. The root of this data monitoring, acquiring of personal data and the online activities is through a process called data veillance. Data veillance is the base for consumer surveillance and consumer profiling, which ultimately end up with new intrusive marketing strategies. One such intrusive marketing strategy is accessing the digital footprints of the digital consumers. This paper is an attempt to highlight the level of consumer awareness based on the intrusive marketing strategy. 

How to Cite
et al., S. M. S. (2019). An Empirical Study on Consumer Awareness on Digital Footprints. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(17), 759 - 768. Retrieved from