Congestion Aware Clustered Mechanism with Adaptive Lion Optimized Routing Strategy (CACM - ALORS) for Delay-Constrained Flying Ad-hoc Networks

  • Ms.D.Megala et al.


This first phase of research aims to design and develop congestion aware clustered mechanism with adaptive lion optimized routing strategy for delay constrained FANETs. Out of the three research problems namely congestion control, power control and delay minimization; this research work focusses on congestion aware clustered mechanism based routing strategy. At first certain routing strategy are adopted from the conventional AOMDV routing protocol. After that, clusters are deployed and based on the multi-objective fitness function cluster head nodes are chosen in order to perform clustering operation. The fitness function is mathematically modelled in such a way that delay of nodes, normalized delay of overall nodes, residual energy, traffic rate and the density of clusters are taken into account. By making use of adaptive bio-inspired lion algorithm, optimized congestion aware routing is done.

How to Cite
et al., M. (2019). Congestion Aware Clustered Mechanism with Adaptive Lion Optimized Routing Strategy (CACM - ALORS) for Delay-Constrained Flying Ad-hoc Networks. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(17), 596 - 608. Retrieved from