Secure Attribute-Based Signature Scheme with Multiple Authorities for Blockchain in Electronic Health Record Systems

  • T.Kumaravel, R.Arun , S.Dilipkumar, G.S.Bharathkumar


Electronic medical records (HMR) are controlled almost entirely by hospitals, rather than by patients who complicate seeking medical advice at completely different hospitals. Those dealing with an important patient should specialize in the fine print of their medical care and establish management to restore their medical knowledge. The quickexpansion of blockchain technology promotes the health care of the population and the medical records of patients. This skilldelivers patients with complete and unchanged archives and access to EHRs from service providers and therapeutic websites. In this article, we tend to present a signature theme based on a grade attribute associated with different authorities to ensure the validity of the EHR built into the blockchain, in which a patient gradually accepts a memo with the attribute but does not reveal data. And figures. Proof that you authenticated there. Furthermore, there are several authorities, single or central, that acquire and issue the public / private keys of the patient, which eliminates the risk of a written agreement and is compatible with the knowledge method disseminated within the blockchain. By sharing the main pseudo-random execution keys among the authorities, this protocol prevents the collective attack from N to N.

How to Cite
T.Kumaravel, R.Arun , S.Dilipkumar, G.S.Bharathkumar. (2020). Secure Attribute-Based Signature Scheme with Multiple Authorities for Blockchain in Electronic Health Record Systems. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 5183-5192. Retrieved from