Schema In English Classrooms- A Review



Writing review papers demands accurate evaluation of matured views, arguments and its counter without any bias.  The author of the paper should be dared to accept flaws and flawless execution of all his endeavours.  This review paper is conceived with such a daring tendency and unbiased attitude.  According to us an English classroom is one of the most interesting and real time interactive classes involves the participation of all students. It’s a place where exchange of various diverse ideas and thoughts occur .It’s a classroom which provides a big room for one’s creativity and imagination. All the subjects like science, mathematics etc change as we come in new standards in school or college, but English is a language or to say a subject which never changes .English classroom is a place where students can learn to speak a whole new and the most internationally important language to expand the boundaries of their minds beyond imagination. Students learn to express themselves in front of others, increase their listening, writing and speaking skills making them a student with a personality, with confidence. In this article we are not only describing about the schema theory has helped a lot to students in order to express their talents and skills which come out of learning English language learning nonetheless it has equal counter misunderstanding and  demerits.  This review papers has discussed the various methods recommended by  different linguistic scholars and researchers for English class rooms for university learners especially those who are learning English as second language, moreover it has evaluated and compared different perspectives which has flaws and flawless for the present day English language learners. 

How to Cite
1G.ANBURAJ, 2SUNITHA.V. (2020). Schema In English Classrooms- A Review. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 4894-4907. Retrieved from