Robust Eaves Dropping Based On Energy Ratio Detector
In the present framework, any type of information communicating through web based or cloud based system need to be secure and reliable due to the huge usage of it everywhere. For securing the data many algorithms are proposed and systems are accomplished the task to some extent thus far. Cryptography is played a vital role to some extent in securing the data. In cryptography the different codes and algorithms are used to secure the information and in this technique the original information or encrypted message is secured by transforming it into different characters. After this Steganography has also taken space for security purpose. In stenography the message to be transmitted is kept away from the attackers in the form of videos and messages so that it reaches the sever destination without any flaws. In this paper the spoofing attacks are detected at physical layer using energy ratio detector. Multiple antenna transmission system is implemented and practiced the message before it is being transmitted so that the accuracy of the secure data transmission is increased. The eavesdropping or spoofing attack can be reduced with this system