Derivation of Operating Characteristic Curve on a New Screening Procedure on Double Sampling Plan (n1=n2)

  • D Manjula, G Uma & R Nandhinidevi


            The research problem under consideration is relationships between sampling risks and other elements inbuilt in a newly constructed screening procedure in Double acceptance sampling plan. Operating Characteristic (OC) curve describes how well an acceptance plan discriminates between good and bad lots. Acceptance sampling plan consists of a sample size n, the maximum number of defective items ‘c’ that can be found in the sample [1]. With c1,c2, n1 and n21(=n1) fixed, the minimum risk with minimum sample size of n22 to be found   In this paper derivation of New Screening Procedure on DSP,  tables and OC curves are described.

How to Cite
D Manjula, G Uma & R Nandhinidevi. (2020). Derivation of Operating Characteristic Curve on a New Screening Procedure on Double Sampling Plan (n1=n2). International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(10s), 6614 - 6620. Retrieved from