Intelligent Design and Implementation of Wireless Intrusion Detection and Prevention using Deep Learning

  • Mr. R. Kingsly Stephen, Abhijith P., Ankit K., Sanyam Malik


An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a program that is designed to scan thenetwork  forirregular activity and warns when detecting such activity. Although the primary feature is the detection and reporting of anomalies, Certain devices may respond when malicious behavior and irregular traffic such as traffic blocking from questionable IP addresses have been observed.While intrusion detection systems track networks to prevent potential malignancy, they are also vulnerable to false alerts (false positive). As a result, when they are first enabled, organizations must refine their IDS products. It ensures that your intrusion detection systems are sufficiently designed to detect the normal traffic of your network compared to potentially malicious behavior. In terms of accuracy, the IDS can detect or accurate for intrusions when it simultaneously reaches low false alarmsso  therefore, a reduction in the law's false alarm rate and an increase in the accuracy of detection of an IDS are crucial tasks in the design of an IDS.

How to Cite
Mr. R. Kingsly Stephen, Abhijith P., Ankit K., Sanyam Malik. (2020). Intelligent Design and Implementation of Wireless Intrusion Detection and Prevention using Deep Learning. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 2424 - 2437. Retrieved from