Investigation of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in India utilizing Critical Thinking Perspective through WEKA

  • Kuntal Barua, K. P.Yadav, Prasun Chakarabarti


Critical thinking is the named as rationally prepared technique of productively and ably conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, fusing, and besides appraisal of information collected from, or framed by understanding, experience, indication, thinking or, as a guidance handbook for conviction. It doesn't include collecting information rather it is that thinking strategy - with respect to any topic, topic where the brains builds up the idea of thinking by capability knowing responsibility of the structures instinctual in thinking and applying scholarly benchmarks. A genius with critical nature can get results from what it is known, and acknowledged how to use information to deal with concerns. Critical thinking ought not to be misinformed for turning out to be bellicose or getting critical of various people. Critical thinking prompts acquire learning, improve theories, and sustain debate. In this paper the critical thinking points of view of Indian Higher instruction foundations were examined completely.

How to Cite
Kuntal Barua, K. P.Yadav, Prasun Chakarabarti. (2020). Investigation of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in India utilizing Critical Thinking Perspective through WEKA . International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 2053- 2061. Retrieved from