Analysis of Uncertainity of Sediment Rating Curve Parameters
The knowledge of the quantity of the suspended sediment in the flowing stream is very important for the effective water reservoir and the basin management. The present study aims at the estimation of the suspended sediment in the river Godavari at Yelli gauge point using sediment rating curve method. This analysis is carried out for the daily, annual, monthly and seasonal variations over a period of 31 years. Nash Sutcliffe model is used to check the efficiency of the predicted sediment by the sediment rating curve method. It is seen that the sediment predictions using sediment rating curve method is best for the monthly data sets followed by the seasonal data sets when compared to the annual data sets for this stream. Suspended sediment rating curve parameters were also analyzed to investigate the relationship of suspended load and discharge. The parameters of the rating curve are deduced from the power function of the sediment load and river discharge.