Study on Strength Characteristics of Geopolymer Concrete with FRP Confinement
Geopolymer concrete is ecofriendly construction material and an alternative to Portland cement which reduces the demand of Portland cement and it is responsible for high CO2 emission. The strength development in Geopolymer composites depends on the chemical composition, morphology and reactivity of source materials, chemical composition of activating solution and curing process.FRP used in this can result in high bearing capacity and durability of the concrete. It resist the chloride ion and chemical attack. Existing reinforced concrete columns may be structurally deficient due to variety of reasons such as improper transverse reinforcement, flaws in structural design, insufficient load carrying capacity, etc. Glass fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) confinement can be effectively used for strengthening the deficient RC columns. The retrofitting of specimen was done with different amount and configuration of GFRP sheets. Experimental investigation concluded that there was increase in load at initial crack and also at ultimate failure for retrofitted specimen as compared to normal specimen.