Vıbratıon Analysıs Of Coıled Sprıngs
Purpose Vibration isolation is the major issue where there is a prolonged vibration transfer takes place which lead to failure of components in a system, so reduction of vibration transfer up-to acceptable level is to be done. Vibration isolation is done by certain typical materials namely elastomers, cork and steel in the form of springs and pads. Mechanical springs has an advantage of providing good vibration transfer characteristics and mechanical linkage between the driver and driven system when compared to elastomers.
Method These type of problems are solved by using FEA analysis but there is less number of studies about vibration transfer with respect to frequency response of a system. In this study the vibration from a vehicle will usually cause inconvenience and discomfort for the driver as well as the passengers, so a set of springs were chosen with respect to stiffness to determine how much vibration transfer does a spring withholds and carries using Transfer Path Analysis.
Results This vibration transfer obtain from source-path-receiver model helps to find the ability of the spring to segregate the driver from the vehicle vibration. In end condition, at certain frequencies vibration levels got damped while transferring and without affecting the receiver end of the spring
Keywords: Vibration Transfer, Coiled Springs and Transfer Path Analysis