Evaluation of Efficacy of Pain Relief by Transdermal DiclofenacVersus Transdermal Ketoprofen in Patients Undergoing Hip Fracture Surgeries
Introduction: Post-operative pain management after surgery can be challenging and detrimental.The commonly used drugs through this route can bediclofenac, ketorolac, ketoprofen, ibuoprofen,mephenamic acid etc.
Aim:To evaluate the efficacy of pain relief by transdermal diclofenac and transdermal ketoprofen in patients undergoing hip fracture surgeries.
Materials and method:A total sample of 50 patients was selected divided into 2 groups namely group 1 (diclofenac group) and group 2(ketoprofen group) with 25 patients each of comparable age and gender.Group 1 patients were given a single dose of a transdermal diclofenac patch of 100 mg, and for Group 2 we used a single dose of transdermal ketoprofen patch of 30 mg.Post operatively, we assessed pain immediately after surgery, then after 4 hrs , 8 hrs, 12 hrs and 24 hours using a VAS score. At any time during the study, if the VAS was more than, or equal to, four, then an injection of tramadol 100 mg was given intravenously as rescue analgesia.
Results:Postoperatively VAS score after 24 hrs in group 1 was 3.1±0.24 and group 2 had was 1.9±0.43 which was statistically also significantly low when in comparision to group 2 (p<0.05).9 out of 25 patients in group 1 required rescue analgesia I.E injection of tramadol 100 mg,while only 3 out of 25 patients in group 2 required that in the first 24 hours and the difference of the values was also statistically significant (p<0.05).Mild nausea was seen in 6 cases of group 1 and 3 cases of group 2 patients.
Conclusion:We conclude from our observations that transdermal patches are efficient method with minimal complications. Alsobothketoprofen and diclofenacdrugs seems to be effective for postoperative analgesia in patients undergone hip fracture surgeries under spinal anaesthesia. On comparisionketoprofen group seems to render better results than diclofenac group and even rescue analgesic consumed by the patients was less inketoprofen group.
Keywords: post operative Pain, hip fracture, Transdermal patch, Ketoprofen, Diclofenac