Factors Influencing People to Order/ Buy Food Online

  • Dınky Agrawal


A population of people who have smart phones are rapidly installing and using the FOOD App.  There has been no evaluation of the level of use and the determinants that encourage people to use this device. This study aims to estimate the factor influencing the usage of the FOOD (Food Online Order and Delivery) App through platform intension. We usually see the distribution staff of the FOOD app in the street every day. With the each passing day, there is an increase in the number of vehicles.

The number of players is also on the rise. The digitization has made it possible for the average man to manage their purchase online. It allows users to shop online. Online food delivery has made everyone’s life easier and comfortable. Nowadays, people tend to order online and track their order instead of visiting restaurants and waiting there for their food. It saves their time and travelling cost.

The tools which will help me to do research is Questionnaire, Mini Tab, SPSS, MS-Excel.

How to Cite
Dınky Agrawal. (2020). Factors Influencing People to Order/ Buy Food Online. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(5s), 2704-2715. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/22865