Application of Integrated Acceptance Model to enhance knowledge about factors leading to Internet of Medical Things Devices Adoption amongst Indian users

  • Aamir Shamma, Priyanka Thanki


This study is primarily directed to enhance knowledge about actors leading to Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Devices adoption among the Indian users who are looking forward to Smart Devices to better monitor their health. The Integrated Acceptance Model (IAM) is deployed to understand these causes. Integrated Acceptance Model is a comprehensive model that amalgamates Privacy Calculus Theory, Unified theory of Acceptance and use of Technology - 2 and Protection Motivation Theory. Responses of 70 respondents were objectively examined for this the study. It is an attempt to implement the Integrated Acceptance Model to understand the Indian Consumer’s behavior towards IoMT Devices. The study can provide Medical Technology Companies with a deeper understanding regarding the factors influencing adoption of IoMT devices amongst Indian users.

Keywords: IoMT, Integrated Acceptance Model, Internet of Medical Things, Smart Healthcare Wearable Devices.

How to Cite
Aamir Shamma, Priyanka Thanki. (2020). Application of Integrated Acceptance Model to enhance knowledge about factors leading to Internet of Medical Things Devices Adoption amongst Indian users. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 3781 - 3788. Retrieved from