The impact of brain-based learning theory, Merrill model, and Vee-shaped diagram on the achievement and development of mind habits of kindergarten students in the curriculum of children's rights in Islam and their attitudes towards them
The study aimed at identifying the impact of brain-based learning theory, the Merrill model, and the Vee-shaped diagram on academic achievement and the development of mind habits among kindergarten students in the children's rights and trends course in Islam. The study sample consists of female kindergarten students at King Faisal University in Al-Ahsa for the academic year 1439/1440H. The study tools consisted of educational material, achievement test, mind habit development measure, and trend measurement resolution. Statistically, the study used computational averages, standard deviations, domain scale, common covariance analysis (ANCOVA) and Tukey test. The results of the study showed that the average performance of the study sample groups was in favor of the Vee-shaped diagram on direct and deferred dimensional tests, in favor of brain-based learning method for the development of mental habits, and in favor of the Merrill model for the development of student trends towards the study of the child rights course in Islam.