Covid-19: Potret Of Batik Industrial District As Regional Autonomy
In early 2020, the world was rocked by a virus on a large scale so that it became a global health problem and became a trend throughout the country. Quoting the Readiness Guidelines for Coronavirus Novel Infection (2019-nCov or currently better known as covid-19), covid-19 cases were first discovered on December 31, 2019 in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, which later appeared as covid- 19 new types of infections from coronavirus. Indonesia is one of the countries plagued by the co-19 pandemic, many sectors are experiencing difficulties from this co-19 difference. One of them is from the creative economy sector related to tourism sites, which began to be devoid of visitors based on government regulation number 21 of 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions in the framework of accelerating the handling of Corona Virus (Covid-19). Sumenep typical batik industry is one of the industrial centers as well as containing a contribution in regional research developing the culture of the surrounding area, the impact of Covid-19 when foreign and local tourists related to these matters related to the quality that is improved by the Sumenep typical batik craftsmen to do marketing . The research method was conducted using a perspective qualitative method with a single case study research design, this research was conducted to increase investment returns and develop typical batik craftsmen Sumenep during the development period of Covid-19 quarantine.