Covid-19: Against Education In A Socio-Economic Perspective
The Covid-19 pandemic that is felt today has an impact on socio-economic in Indonesia. The outbreak of Covid-19, which was so severe made education in Indonesia quite miserable. The big challenge of the 21st century is how the Covid-19 era, Indonesia was able to balance education with the socio-economic of the people. The Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbud) believes that the presence of the Kampus Merdeka as a support for the freedom of the education system for students and lecturers to achieve quality learning has an impact on socio-economic. However, this has not yet worked because of Covid-19. So the purpose of this study is the application of the REP system in higher education which significantly provides benefits to the socio-economic with digital transformation during the Covid-19 period. When Covid-19 with the presence of the gamification concept on the REP Apps website made the learning of the Kampus Merdeka much more enjoyable. Analysis of the quality of the REP program is calculated to produce a Cronbach's Alpha score of 0.81> 0.6, and student motivation produces a Cronbach’s Alpha score of 0.86> 0.6 and the REP System produces a Cronbach’s Alpha score of 0.90> 0.6 meaning the instrument is Reliability. Therefore, Covid-19 is not an obstacle in socio-economic or education, and this is a bold way to balance between socio-economic and education in the Covid-19 era.