Interaction between the drum ridges and the shell and the processed material during accelerated rotation of the washer-extractor drum
Drum-type washer-extractors provide automation of the entire technological process for material processing, and also feature functional versatility. The main directions of improving the washer-extractors are the intensification and increase of the cost-effectiveness of the main processes in the working cycle, including the extracting mode. It is necessary to establish a relationship between the parameters characterizing the geometric shape of the drum ridges and the mode of drum rotation for the cases of accelerated drum rotation mode in the initial period of centrifugal extraction; this allows finding an effective ratio between their values to ensure uniform distribution of the material having passed extraction. Theoretical research methods were used when developing and solving the problem of studying the effectiveness of the centrifugal extraction of products made from fabrics, including the system-structural analysis method. The process of distribution of the material having passed extraction over the drum shell surface takes place in the initial period of the centrifugal extraction with an increase in the drum rotation frequency and the change in inertia that occurs during this. An analysis of the interaction between side faces of the ridges and the material processed during accelerated rotation of the drum in the initial period of centrifugal extraction allows us to find the dependence of the surface inclination angle of the ridge side faces on the drum rotation mode in the period under consideration and the design of its shell and ridges and, therefore, to determine for these conditions the angle of inclination, optimal from the point of view on ensuring the movement of the material having passed extraction over the ridges and its distribution in the direction along shell diameter. An interrelation between parameters of the geometric shape of the drum ridges and the mode of its rotation was obtained, which allows one to find their optimal ratio and, thereby, increase the extraction efficiency.