Enhancement Of Vehicle Count In A Traffic Monitoring System

  • Susmita Panda,Alish Raj,Nishant Agrawal


Nowaday, a new method of identifying  small scale object as vehicles from high resolution satellite image has been developed. Though various study has been performed, still there is a need to develop a suitable approach for detecting small scale objects. The method described in this paper gives the accuracy rate of vehicles captured from satellite images. It simply detects the numbers of vehicles within the particular areas in the satellite image . Detection of vehicles are motivated by different fields of application, such as traffic flow management,planning of roads or estimation of air and  noise pollution too. So, a method that automatically detects and count vehicles in air or space borne images would effectively support these traffic related analyses.

How to Cite
Susmita Panda,Alish Raj,Nishant Agrawal. (2020). Enhancement Of Vehicle Count In A Traffic Monitoring System. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(12s), 1288 - 1294. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/22620