The effect of Using Gadget in Academic Procrastination and Its Impact on Junior High School Students’ Achievement

  • Sutarjo Atmowidjoyo, Maryam Sulaeman, Yuli Marlina, Nahuda, Nadiah, Suprapto


Technological advances in the millennial era it’s like two blades, one side provides benefits in information and knowledge, and on the other hand, it has a negative impact that cannot be denied within the limits of the emergency. The balance between the positive and minimize the negative side becomes a necessity nowadays. The effect of the device is feared will continue to evolve into "opium" so that not only can lead to moral degradation but can cause social degradation of Indonesia's young generation in communications distortion.  This study aims to: 1) determine the effect of the use of devices in academic procrastination, 2) determine the impact of procrastination on the achievements of junior high school students at Bekasi City, Indonesia in 2019. The form of analysis used is mixed-method analysis, where researchers have conducted a quantitative and descriptive analysis that has occurred through interviews and data collection that occurs in the field. The advantages of this method are put on research carried out by a new understanding of complex, detail and comprehensive. The analyses are; (1) Discriminant Analysis, and (2) Structural Analysis of Equation Modeling (SEM) This research was conducted at Bekasi City. Bekasi City is a transit city geographically bordered by Bogor Regency and DKI Jakarta Province. When the research was conducted from July 15, 2019 until September 27, 2019. The target population in this study were 8 schools at Bekasi City which were divided into 3 areas of Bekasi City, 3 of these areas were taken 4 Public Schools and 4 Private Schools with a margin of error is 5%. The sampling technique was done purposively, and the research results obtained included: 1) The use of devices has a significant effect on academic procrastination, there is a significant correlation in the Y1 variable, namely; the use of devices, videos, and YouTube with a number of R 0.8482 the existence of correlation coefficients or can be said to have a strong or significant influence on the use of technology such as devices, videos, YouTube. 2) Variable Z2 where the use of devices, video and YouTube provide procrastination impact on students and student learning outcomes, where R = 0.4057 (correlation coefficient) provide considerable influence or significant enough to impact continuous use, which means the use of an impact device negatively on the students’ achievement of junior high school at Bekasi in 2019.

Keywords: NG platform, Hudl , E-Textile, 4D printing, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, CRISPER, Cyber Defence.

How to Cite
Sutarjo Atmowidjoyo, Maryam Sulaeman, Yuli Marlina, Nahuda, Nadiah, Suprapto. (2020). The effect of Using Gadget in Academic Procrastination and Its Impact on Junior High School Students’ Achievement. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(06), 7021 - 7027. Retrieved from