Methods of İmproving Fuel Economy in Modern Vehicles using Multiuser Biometrics
The purpose of this research paper is to try and improve the fuel economy. The experiment conducted here aims at helping households to save money on fuel consumption by integrating a biometric system to the car which is used to connect human behavior to the vehicle parameters. Various parameter aspects such as the fuel injection timing , air fuel ratio , maximum speed of the engine and maxim control of HVAC systems and other vehicle modes such as dynamic , sport economy and comfort mode etc., are taken into consideration in order to choose the right parameters where a preset can be developed based on each individuals unique characteristics, i.e. it is aimed to be bring about a more customized and personal touch to the preset parameters designed for ‘n’ number of individuals using the biometrics taking control over the engine control unit of the vehicle. Therefor we try to improve the fuel economy where multiple user who could have varying characteristics such as age, driving experience, purpose of driving and history of rash driving using a single vehicle by normalizing or controlling the fuel intake of the car .In this study we calculate the fuel economy changes for a 10 day period where an average of 50 kilometers is run by the vehicle that has been chosen to be experimented on where 25 kilometers is without the biometric system and 25 kilometers is with the biometric system. We take note of the overall fuel consumption of the car when each assigned individual drives which thereby would provide us the mileage of the vehicle with and without the biometric . This could tell us how much money a household could save in month and respectively for a year.