The Impact of Technology Driven Organizational Change on Employee Satisfaction
Technology integrated change has become the norm in the 21st century when the organization undergoes transformation. The effect of technology embedded organizational change on employee morale and satisfaction is debatable. This paper attempts to understand the implications of technology in organization change to understand the factors that lead to employee satisfaction and employee dissatisfaction. This paper analyzes the direct factors and the enabling constructs that leave a positive or negative impact on the morale of the employees during the organization change supported by technology. Technological change creates major changes in an organization and this paper analyses various factors such as the organization structure, the communication channel used to educate the employees, change approach and the humans of the organization affecting the morale of the organization. This paper analyzes the effect of both humans and technology on the organization culture and attempts to bridge the connection to better understand the implications on employee satisfaction. The paper concludes by discussing the findings and their implications of the technology embedded organizational change and factors affecting employee satisfaction.