Employer Brandıng And Role Of Socıal Medıa For Talent Attractıon And Employee Retentıon

  • Nikita Iyer


Employer branding has recently got the more importance to retain the current talent as well as to attract the required talent from the market. Current trend of social media branding is a step ahead than the traditional branding like website and brochures. Companies can provide crystal view of the organization which provides enough information for the potential customer and job seekers. Social media has also proved to be effective for promoting job openings.

Proposed strategy focuses use of social media to attract talent, to retain existing employees and to establish a good communication between employees and employer. In the era of technology most of the today’s generation is user of the social networking sites. This paper presents the role of social media in creating employer brand. Statistics have been discussed for the use of social networking sites by enterprises in different countries. Use of social networking has been increased in recent five years by 22 % to 45 % for marketing and 9% to 28 % for recruitment.

How to Cite
Nikita Iyer. (2020). Employer Brandıng And Role Of Socıal Medıa For Talent Attractıon And Employee Retentıon. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(6s), 3359 -. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/22401