Methodological Aspects and Creation of a Basis of Soil and Cadastro Data for the Development of a Land and Information System Based on Modern Information and Geoinformation Technologies

  • Malochkin Vladimir Yuryevich
  • Loshakov Alexander Viktorovich
  • Odintsov Stanislav Vladimirovich
  • Stukalo Vladimir Alexandrovich
  • Podkolzin Oleg Anatolyevich


Sustainable development of Russia is largely determined by the rational use of natural resources. Soils are the main component of the country's land resources that ensure agricultural productivity and perform important environmental functions [1].
The high importance of the soil necessitates the creation of optimal mechanisms to regulate their use. In the period of the centrally-planned economy and state monopoly of land inventory of soils, development of regulatory documents on the protection and use has been connected. The role of state institutions in regulating land-use was high: only the state could systematically consider all aspects of the properties and functioning of soils. The situation changed in a variety of forms of land ownership and diversity of independent economic objects. Sorry, currently we have to admit that the system of state control soil resources, management almost destroyed. Soil resources are associated with the concept of "land", where it acts as property in the system of cadastre of real estate.
Therefore, one of the primary tasks for ensuring rational land use and soil protection should be the task of creating a database of soil cadastral data [10].

How to Cite
Yuryevich, M. V., Viktorovich, L. A., Vladimirovich, O. S., Alexandrovich, S. V., & Anatolyevich, P. O. (2019). Methodological Aspects and Creation of a Basis of Soil and Cadastro Data for the Development of a Land and Information System Based on Modern Information and Geoinformation Technologies. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(1), 115 - 123. Retrieved from